Wednesday, August 03, 2005

He's Back.

So, the above is partially true... I evacuated fleeing hurricane Dennis, but got stuck up in Jackson for about a week, enjoying the hospitality of Mr and Mrs Spanky. Turned out that the Hurricane never hit New Orleans, but instead hit... Jackson. Anyway, it was a bitch finding a way back, but fortunately for me, FooFoo took pity on me and gave me a lift home. Unfortunately, not having access to my computer caused me to fall right out of my cartooning habit, and it's taken me a month to work some cartoon time into my schedule. Don't know that it will be a daily thing again for a while, but I'm workin on it.


angie. said...

"...FooFoo took pity on me and gave me a lift home."

LOL Yea, and my pity cost you $10 in gas money!! I still keeping thinking I should've charged you more...

Anonymous said...

You're missing your true calling here, my man. This stuff is too damned funny for anyone's own good. So, here's the deal. You get out of the Rob-shaped dent in your chair, get syndicated as a cartoonist, and give me your job or jobs. The Bohemian life is to be revered, of course, but there's nothing wrong with being a rich, successful Bohemian who has lawn furniture and cinderblock bookcases in the living room of his houseboat as he sails off in search of Gilligan's Island. Go for it!