Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Favorite memories...

Well, that'll learn me to ask for topics... thanks to my homies Dave and Stacey for the ideas, which I will definately use at least a few of, starting today. Gimme a few days and I'll see if I can return the favor.

From the DOA mailbag, Stacey writes:
Um... What is your favorite memory of Dave, Melinda, Andy, Lauren, and Drew? Blog friendly, of course.

The funniest part of this is that my favorite memories of all these people are decidedly NOT blog-friendly by any stretch of the imagination... Three of the memories in question (Lauren, Dave, and Andy) all revolve around the same event (Andy's bachelor party) And are by no stretch of the imagination the kind of things I should be talking about in public... My favorite Melinda memory involves a strip club and is a really dirty story... and as for Drew, while it involves a strip club it's a fairly clean story, but one that Drew would probably find embarassing.

So, where does that leave me, other than noting that for many years I spent waaay too much time in strip clubs?

Well, I could just let my readers come up with speculation as to what these memories actually are... and y'all will probably come up with stuff that is way worse than the actual events... Or I could come up with my favorite "Clean" memory of each of them which is not nearly as much fun, and requires way more thought than my chores-and-children addled brain is up to right now.

So, what I will do instead, is declare this week "Rob's wacky friends" week, wherin I will post about one of these people each day, tell you a story about them, and explain what it says about my friendship with them. If you are one of my friends and for some reason don't want me talking about you on these pages, please let me know in the comments. If you are Dave, Lauren, Andy, Melinda, or Drew and genuinely want to know which stories I am refering to above, give me permission in the comments to post it and I will. (in a PG-13 way) I'll begin tommorrow with Dave.


Brou HahHah said...

Light it up.

Melinda said...

Go for it. I don't plan on running for office.

Anonymous said...

Go for it...but try to avoid any words that would have me getting a phone call from a divorce lawyer...

Anonymous said...

Okay, I guess if Dave and Andy are brave enough to let fly some of those stories, so am I. Do we get to debate the accuracy of your memories in the comments?