Saturday, February 05, 2005

Robbie Gras 2005- Annual state of the Rob address

My fellow Americans and assorted citizens of the world... today, as some of you out there already know, is my birthday. I woke up, so i guess I'm on the right track. This has been a rough year for me, but I am very thankful of the following things on this great holiday that I have deemed "Robbie Gras", which is french for "Fatten Rob".

1) The McGriddle. If someone can tell me how they get the syrup in there, I would love to know.
2) My friends. It is said a man is known by the company he keeps. I must be known as funny, charming, goofy, spontaneous, moody, quite nuts, and occasionally whipped. Hey! wait a minute...
3) My marriage. I know what you're thinking... but I mean more in terms of life experience. My marriage to Char may have been painful, but i have learned more about myself in the past few years than I thought possible.
4) That I woke up this morning. As a big child, I was always told that if I didn't loose some weight, I would never make it to twenty-five, much less thirty-five. But if forty is the new thirty.... (Does quick math calculation... lessee... carry the square of sixteen...) Yep. Still beat the naysayers. Nyah nyah nyah!
5) That there is another year ahead. I eagerly look foward to what it brings.

All of you out there looking to celebrate Robbie Gras should ajourn to the nearest Pub with a few friends, and spend the night telling each other exploits of your daring-do. all the better if you have beautiful women bringing you drinks while you do so. Robbie Gras is all about bringing people closer together.

Happy Robbie Gras, Y'all!


Elle said...

Wishing you everything you wish for yourself...including the McGriddle secret. I shall this as an excuse to pop down to my local pub, thanks for that!
As always a great blog. I hope you don't mind me popping in to read it?

Orchard P Dirk said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Webkahunah!! I am so pleased that you showed the people who did not encourage you to eat as you pleased that you made it to 25 and you now have a very nice blog that is a nice read and you look great in your blog picture, as well!

"THE" Rob Cerio said...

Dreamwalker, all are welcome here at Dogs of Atlantis. feel free to drop by anytime, and bring your friends!