Saturday, January 01, 2005

New Years Day, 2005

Well, my friends, a whole new year stretches out before us, full of promise and possibilities. I hope that the coming year finds you and yours healthy, happy, content, and having much fun. I could write today about resolutions and such, but the only one I'm making this year is to find balance in my much askew life, and that's not so much a resolution, as something I'm gonna strive for. So instead, I figure I'll talk a little about Realizations. Everyone has them, although we oftimes ignore them. I'm not talking about things like "Sushi tastes good" or "wow, it's a nice day outside only five days after it snowed" I'm talking about the really profound ones that you know that if listened to, could change your whole outlook on yourself and your world.

Me, I've come to a few profound realizations this year.

1)There is always hope for the future.
2)You always have a choice.
3)We live in a miraculous world.
4)The hardest route to follow tends to be the right one.
5)Cheese has an expiration date.
6)Everyone has a different definition of "Family".
7)No situation is so bad that it cannot be cured.

I want to thank all of my regular readers for all their love and support this year. Hopefully, I'll be laughing a lot more in 2005, whining a lot less, and this will be reflected here in my musings. Happy New Year, Y'all.

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