Saturday, May 07, 2005

The importance of a good cookie...

Howdy, everyone.. it's been a while since my last post, but work has been hectic, leaving me little time to drop the blog thing...

Sorry... just watched MTV's "Cribs".

Anyway, I wanted to share with the blogsphere something really amusing that has recently happened to me. To begin with, I.. (AHEM) Have a date tonight. Yes, a date. With a woman and everything. But how the date came about is the funny part.

I have a close friend of the opposite sex that I enjoy spending time with. (The identity of said friend will remain undisclosed for the time being... no speculating, please.) Of course, when a guy and a gal spend a certain amount of time together, it leads to speculation on the part of just about everyone around them about what exactly is going on between the two.

Of course, the answer is "Nothing".

Anyway, I was having lunch (Chinese food...mmmmmm) with some friends, and one of them commented that their MOM asked what was going on between me and this particular friend.

So, I sit there, slightly embarassed about the fact that my social life is such great conversation material to my friends family, and suddenly think to myself "Hey... maybe I should ask her out." As I'm pondering this, the check comes with the traditional fortune cookie. I open it and the fortune reads... and I am not making this up... "It's time you asked that special someone out on a date."

Who am I to argue at that point, right? So I call her, and the conversation goes something like this:

Me: Hey, a cookie told me to ask you out.

Her: Huh?

Me: Yeah, but it occured to me that the cookie is right, and I should ask you out on a real "date".

What followed was a philisopical discussion of what constitutes a "date", but I won't bore you with that. Suffice it to say, I have a date tonight... probably dinner and a movie.

So, the moral of this story is to pay attention to whatever a tasty dessert has to say, okay?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I see my custom made fortun cookie was delivered as planned.