Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Life is short.

Well, its been another couplea weeks, and I've come to a few realizations:

1) As smart and charming as you think you are, you will always have those moments when you are neither...
2) Cheese goes bad if you leave it in the fridge too long...
3) Life is short.

It's number three I think I'm gonna start on, although the transitory nature of refrigerator cheeses will be worked in here somewhere as well. Number One has a story behind it as well, but I think I may leave that for another day, as it makes me look really stupid. (Not that hard, I know) well, maybe not, as all three are kinda related.

So, anyway... Life is short. I realized this when I grabbed a piece of cheese to snack on from the fridge the other day, popped it in my mouth, and promptly spit it out. (very very stupid- hense revalation #1) okay, show of hands... Who knew that cheese goes bad? don't the french age cheese for like, centuries or something? that must be really, really bad cheese! So anyway, I look at the cheese wrapper, and realize for the irst time in my life that cheese HAS AN EXPIRATION DATE! News to me.
Then again, expiration dates on milk were news to me when I first moved out on my own. (has it really been over ten years?)

True story: My first week out on my own, I was up late, looking for a midnight snack. I walk across the floor of my modest studio apartment over to my even more modest fridge, and open it to find the half-full gallon of milk I bought when I moved in. I open it, take a big swig, and realize that the milk is well on it's way to being cheese. Of course, I spit it out, and promised myself only to buy milk by the quart from then on.

But I digress...

So, it occurs to me, while trying to rinse the foul taste of expired cheese from my mouth, that if I am going to continue to be this stupid in the future, that I may want to start taking better care of myself. After all, the long term effects of expired cheese are nothing when compared to the long term effects of continuous twinkie ingestion. Life is too short, and for all I know, that cheese coulda killed me! So I made up my mind that rather than spend my "morning time" fiddling on the computer for an hour, (I wake up usually at 6:00am, but don't really need to wake up till 7.) I will instead use this time to exercise.

From now on, Honest.

So this morning, I went out for a jog. Yes, a jog. I walked out to the levee, stretched a bit and took off like the wind...

For about 50 yards.

"Just great." I think to myself... "I am so out of shape, that I have to get back into moderate shape just to begin really getting into shape." So, I strolled instead of jogged, for about two miles. I came home dejected, and consoled myself with a little debbie fudge round.

Baby steps, people. Life is also too short not to treat myself to a fudgy snack once in a while.


Unknown said...

This is without a doubt one of the funniest things I've read in a long time. Amazingly, cheese will in fact expire... it's not so much that it just goes bad like milk, but that mold starts growing on it. Some molds are good for cheese (think blue cheese) but others, like the kind that probably hang out in your kitchen aren't as palatable. I hope you're keeping your rotten moldy cheese away from my Guinness.

Stacey said...

Ya know, they make low-carb fudgy treats...

Unknown said...

We want more posts!