Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Upon the eve of the all-hollows…

I was thinking of writing a ghoulish tale today, about Halloween and it’s growing significance to America, and maybe a thing or two about how it’s changed in my lifetime… I also toyed with sharing a few choice stories of my own encounters with the paranormal from my time as a researcher…

But then I said “Screw that… an actual essay seems way too much like work.”

So, instead, I present the following…
(with apologies to The late, great Vincent Price, and the very scary Monogloved one:)

Darkness falls across the land…
The midnight hour is close at hand.
Creatures crawl in search of blood…
To terrorize y’alls neighborhood.
And whosoever shall be found,
Without the soul for getting down…
Must stand and face the hounds of hell
And rot inside a corpses shell.
The foulest stench is in the air…
The funk of forty thousand years!
And grizzly ghouls from every tomb
Are closing in to seal your doom.
And though you fight to stay alive…
Your body starts to shiver!
For no mere mortal can resist
The evil of… the thriller.

Bwah-ha-ha-ha! Bwah-ha-ha-ha!

Happy Halloween.


Anonymous said...

When Brigette and I were kids, we had the Thriller album and would sing and dance to it like only little kids can. But Brigette always got to be Michael, while she made me do the Vincent Price part. I think this explains many things about my life, including why every time I get dressed up, people tell me I look "kinda goth." But thanks for being somebody who thinks that the Vincent Price part is the cool part of the song.

Melinda said...

Okay, before Michael Jackson turned into a white woman, he totally rocked. I think I'm a little bit older than Lauren, but was still a kid when "Thriller" came out. It's still actually one of my favorite songs from way back when. I have to admit I was more into trying to moonwalk and break dance than trying to do the "Thriller" dance.

Oh, and Lauren, you look fine when you dress up. Screw 'em if they can't deal.

Brou HahHah said...

We so need to re-make this video our way!

And I could get down like MJ to this song like it was sick!