Wednesday, March 02, 2005

My second job...

Well, folks.. I'm a little tired today, because I started training for a second job. Yes, that's right... I figure if I'm ever gonna start livin the life of a crazy bachellor again, some bling-bling might help. (mind you, I have no idea what the hell Bling-Bling actually is, but the girls at work say it all the time when refering to showing off how much money a guy has) I'm really looking forward to this job, as it is a fairly unique occupation.

I'm gonna be a part-time Paranormal Researcher. I have signed on with the International Society for Paranormal Research as a Ghost Expedition Researcher, which is doing long term field studies into haunted properties, and the psychic abilities of the general public. What this means is that for a modest fee, we take people to a genuine Haunted property, and have them conduct field research under our supervision.

How cool is that?

No Proton packs, no getting slimed, no ghosts doing the conga through the living room... but it's still proving to be an interesting sideline. I'm going on my third night with this, and I have seen and felt plenty of stuff I can not readily explain. I don't know for sure that the phenomenon going on in the property that we are investigating is the souls of the dearly departed, but there is something going on there, and I get to help find out what.

I'm damn excited. I'll do my best to answer any questions Y'all leave here in the comments, but keep in mind that I'm not supposed to reveal to anyone that may join us one night exactly what I have experienced so far, as it may skew the results of the investigation.

I can't wait to get the buisness cards that say "Rob Cerio- paranormal researcher".

1 comment:

Elle said...

What an interesting job!! I've seen a TV show on Guys doing paranormal research, are these them (or a branch of..) ? Psychic ability is supposed to run in my family, but fotunately it seems to have skipped me.