Thursday, June 16, 2005

Sometimes, it's all about yourself...

Good comedy is always drawn from your own life and experiences. Trouble is, the more those around you see themselves reflected in your comedy, the less they tend to like it. With my webpage and subsequent blog, I have run into this problem more than once. It's all well and good that through this medium I have opened my life up for the world to see in all its gory detail... (well, not too detailed; I have seen blogs that insist on telling you what they had for breakfast every morning... sheesh! who the hell cares on your internal struggle as to weither to have corn flakes or a freakin hard boiled egg!?!)

Sorry... got a little sidetracked. The point is that I have opened my life up to all you fine people... my friends and family haven't. (The blog links to the right aside) Regardless, things happen to me that I find funny or need to make light of while they are around, so that leaves me in a bit of a pickle. I plan on countering this by creating a series of charecters to only loosely represent those in my life that I care about. So if you are one of these folks, I promise you that no insult is intended, and I will swear up and down that it's not even you if someone asks, okay? Hopefully, these charecters I come up with will take on a life of their own, and you will no longer see people reflected, but the inner soul of the charecter.

Ultimately, I suppose that means some facet of myself. Bet you didn't know that comics were that deep, huh? Puts the whole Charlie Brown/Lucy thing in a whole new perspective, don't it?

1 comment:

Brou HahHah said...

Permission granted to use Dynoman's likeness to help with the comics. Great idea, just keep it coming.