Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Among the top ten ways to test Rob for a heart attack...

Number 4 has to be a woman I was 'intimate' with a few months ago sending me an e-mail with "BABY NEWS!!!!!" in the subject line.

Not that I have ever been 'intimate' without taking precautions... but like it says on the back of every box of condoms, these things are only effective 99.97% of the time. That .03% is just enough to get my heart racing like FloJo for the gold. Turns out she was just real proud to be an Aunt. (phew)

This has been a busy month... apparently with the coming of spring, the life of your average southern oaf (In this case, the species is Oafus Southus Kahunus) kicks into high gear. Ringo's nuptuals (we here at DOA wish him and his new Bride all the best) brought with it a flurry of activity... Tuxedo fittings, Bachelor party/fishing trips, rehersal dinner, the ceremony, the reception, etc... Add to all that the fact that right smack in the middle of this was Coast Con, a few birthdays that required my attention, and a nasty bout with the flu... well, it makes for one tired Kahunah.


Melinda said...

bwahahahahahahaha! I can only imagine the look on your face, "Daddy" Rob. hehe But look at it this way: If you ever do end up with a little Roblet, you'll have a good excuse to spend lots of time in the toy store.

"THE" Rob Cerio said...

who needs an excuse?