Twas the night before christmas, and all through the house,
You could hear the loud snoring of Pint Size passed out:
And every five minutes Short Stuff did check,
for Santa's progress on NORAD, but saw not a speck:
Twas the night before christmas, and all through the house,
You could hear the loud snoring of Pint Size passed out:
And every five minutes Short Stuff did check,
for Santa's progress on NORAD, but saw not a speck:
This video works best on "repeat"...
Isn't he adorable?
Now that I've given my Mom a heart attack, let's talk about what this ultrasound is really of... my heart. Not only is it doing the bump in this video, but it also seems to be full of Christmas spirit (and blood). You see, last week I had a bad cough and my doc decided to do a full workup for heart disease as a precaution. It seems that a dry cough could be a sign of a coronary problem. I told him I thought just had a cold, but he wanted to be sure and he is the doctor...
In addition to the ultrasound, I also had to sit through an EKG. Doc Mai figured I would have an enlarged heart or some other god-awful problem with my ticker, but was surprised to find out that my assesment of being as healthy as an ox with a cold was accurate. My love muscle will be pumping gallons and gallons of healthy type A through my system for a good long while to come.
(You should all know that I have a bet with Silverfox that Y'all will be picking up the phone and calling her and congratulating her before reading the explanation above.)
Pint size decided to take another dip in the porcelin pond, making a mockery at any and all of our childproofing attempts. Turns out he does this at grandmas house all the time and she thinks it's adorable. (sigh)
I told Silverfox that if he becomes a swimmer in the special olympics when he's a teenager, have we ever got us some blackmail material.
But that didn't stop me and Silverfox from buying an on-sale-after-thanksgiving turkey and bringing it over to Uncle Leo's for the hot oil torture:
MMMMMM fried turkey. Indeed, this must be nature's most perfect food.
See that blue line? That's where the doctor is gonna cut into my hand and stitch it back together to correct my carpal tunnel syndrome. No injections, no braces, do not pass go, go right to surgery. Doctor said it's a really serious case, and this is my only option if I want to feel what I touch with my left hand ever again.
and Batgirl:
Whoever came up with the idea for this... fanboys all over the world will sing your name for years.
While I'm sure the Hulkster would be proud, I nearly passed out. I told my Dad about it today when I called him to let him know Cheri was okay, and he just snickered and said "Welcome to fatherhood." I spent the rest of the night with one ice pack on my groin and one on my face.
Needless to say, there was no matress durability testing at casa Cerio last night.
Obamas victory by having a few teeth pulled. Kinda reminded me of watching the election returns last night.
Things you never want to hear your Dentist say:
1) "Check again, sir... are you sure you still have a tooth there?"
2) "What do you mean you voted for McCain?"
3)"Boy, you're really making me earn my money today..."
4)"You just don't want to let go of that tooth, do you?"
5)"Wait... did I give you any anesthetic? I can't remember..."
6)"God, I partied so hard last night my hands are shaking."
7)"Oh, come on... that doesn't really hurt!"
8)"Wait... was that the right tooth I just pulled?"
9)"Do you mind if I watch Ellen during your procedure?"
10)anything that goes like this:
Tonight, my channel flipping alighted on a broadcast of the Rocky Horror Picture Show for a few minutes. Before I could change the channel, My darling bride jumps up and starts acting along with the movie, making all the appropriate and inappropriate callouts, and doing her own one-woman show along with the images on the screen:
Blurry, I know, but I was laughing too hard to hold my cameraphone straight. It was like watching "Dude, Where's my car?"... a sight so incredibly silly that you feel stupid and guilty watching it, but at the same time are endlessly entertained by it. I really wanted to change the channel, but just couldn't bring myself to because Silverfox was just having such a good time. Then to my horror, as the "Time warp" segment started, Short Stuff got up and started dancing around the living room with his mom.
Note the look of relief on Pint Size's face as he watches in wonder from the couch... We are a family of goobers, it seems.
This is the drink stash...If what you want is missing... bring it... I cannot guarantee the root beer, coke, or diet coke will last as that is all I have in the house and I don't get paid again till halloween.
This is the contents of the bar... 2 photos... Rob may choose not to open un-opened bottles...(note from Rob-Yeah, Right! I fully intend on getting my buzz on!) I can't drink right now cause of meds... we will need ice... we do have a blender for margarittas...
I need to borrow someone's food processor... mine died making hummus for Angie's party... I would like to make some for my own party... this would be needed ahead of time no later than an hour before the party at least... I would be grateful...
Plastic utencils are needed and bowls... I am making jambalaya... just a filler food...
I couldn't find the Lime sherbert or the lime aid when i had the money for the party signature drink... so if someone would like to volunteer to bring that... we can have yoda soda...
If someone wants to make the party meatballs/cocktail sausages... we will accept...
We will accept potato salad...and we need chips, dips and crackers (all I have are saltines)
I am also making chicken salad and deviled eggs
I do already have...
but I fear that I don't have nearly enough fog juice to last for 30 min... so if someone could pick up a jug... i will sign an IOU...
Well, there ya go, folks... anyone that wants to help the love of my life out on this one, it would sure be appreciated. Call or text us if you do, and know that I will officially owe you one :)